
Through its work, DGAP offers interdisciplinary expertise on the constantly changing facets of policy in national and international security, defense, and armaments.


Recent publications

NATO at 75: Time to Deliver on Its Promises

What Has to Happen at the Washington Summit

NATO heads of state and government will meet in Washington on July 11, 2024 to mark the Alliance’s 75th anniversary. Not only will the leaders have to elect a new secretary-general, the anniversary will take place in the midst of an explosive global situation. As the war in Ukraine continues, the prospect of a second presidential term for ­Donald Trump also worries the Alliance. In order to strengthen NATO’s ability to defend its members in this time of multiple crises, leaders need to advance seven specific topics. Making headway on these could make the summit historic.

Dr. Karl-Heinz Kamp


Transatlantic Action Plan
Online Commentary


Transatlantic Action Plan
Torrey Taussig
Online Commentary


Past events

18:30 - 20:00 | 05 Feb 2013

Pakistan before ISAF’s Withdrawal from Afghanistan

Discussion with Michael Koch, German special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, and Declan Walsh of the New York Times

The region is receiving international attention right now, above all, for the planned withdrawal of ISAF operations from Afghanistan in 2014. But 2013 will be decisive for the region too. Pakistan is to see considerable leadership turnover; elections for parliament and the provincial assemblies will take place this May, with presidential elections set for the fall. And because of several changes to the constitution, the political situation in the country is more stable than it was in 2008.

Program Event
12:30 - 14:00 | 04 Feb 2013

Is Iran Ready for Bilateral Nuclear Negotiations?

Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi delivers a speech at the DGAP

Iran may now be ready to enter into bilateral negotiations with the US about its nuclear program, confirmed Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi at his speech before the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) in Berlin, a declaration made just one day earlier at the Munich Security Conference.

Council Event
18:00 - 19:30 | 16 Jan 2013

ECOWAS Intervenes in the Mali Conflict

Alassane Ouattara, president of the Ivory Coast and chairman of ECOWAS, on the organization’s next steps

Following a meeting with the German government in Berlin on Wednesday, Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara spoke at the DGAP on his country’s role in the West African economic community and in resolving the conflict in neighboring Mali. The surprising advance of Islamist rebels over the past few weeks has torpedoed international plans to deal with the crisis. French intervention was the only way to stop the rebels. ECOWAS will now try to begin their planned operation this week.

Council Event

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