
The experts of the DGAP Research Institute summarize their findings and recommendations on various foreign policy issues in four publication formats – memos, policy briefs, analyses, and reports. Ranging in length from concise to more detailed, all are available free of charge below. Enjoy!

The Zeitenwende Is Here, It’s Just Unevenly Distributed

At first it meant a “historical shift” that happened to Germany, now the term "Zeitenwende" is widely used to describe the country’s much-needed foreign and security policy rethink. Much has changed already, but important questions remain open.

Dr. Benjamin Tallis
Creation date

Justiz versus Populismus

Die Anklage gegen Donald Trump ist riskant: Sie könnte ihn zurück ins Weiße Haus befördern
Julian Müller-Kaler

Why Germany’s New China Strategy Needs to Go Beyond Symbolism

Germany’s China policy was long shaped by the country’s economic interests and the illusion that engagement could help bring about change. Beijing’s more assertive foreign policy has led to an awakening in Berlin. But how far will the German government go in redefining its relations with China?

Dr. Tim Rühlig
Cover Section
Creation date

Boris Pistorius’ Budget Battle

Germany’s new defense minister has not set a foot wrong since taking over from Christine Lambrecht in January. However, it is the outcome of the current fight over the defense budget that will likely define his time in office.

Dr. Henning Hoff
Berlin Cable
Creation date