The German Council on Foreign Relations has introduced its new corporate design. Its relaunched website brings its core themes and content to the fore. The acronym DGAP – taken from the institution’s German name, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik – has become an easily recognizable wordmark. The four letters comprise a self-confident key visual that stands for DGAP’s international, reputable, and contemporary approach to foreign policy. DGAP’s established authority in global affairs is underscored by “since 1955,” a new addition to its advancing foreign policy claim.
We are currently focusing on five core themes, which are critical for shaping today’s foreign policy on a German and European level:
- Geo-economy
- International order and democracy
- Migration
- Security
- Technology and digitization
Our publications now come in three new formats – Commentary, Policy Brief, and Analysis. Each format features an easy-to-read layout in a contemporary design that includes graphic elements and information.
Succinct, user-friendly, and interactive: our new website makes it easy to search for and access key topics, regions, or events. One glance at our homepage provides a clear overview of current publications and articles and, below that, of DGAP’s experts and the topics and regions on which DGAP focuses its research, policy advice, and debate. News announcements and media clippings can also be found there.
Clicking on our menu button not only leads to information about our key topics and regions, but also about DGAP’s organizational structure including our memberships, research institute, library and information center, and further services.
Designed to be accessible, the new website aims to inform all users about the full spectrum of DGAP’s work in German and English.
The relaunch is part of DGAP’s comprehensive strategic realignment, which also includes the election of a new Executive Committee at the end of November 2019.