September deadline for “Socio-Economic Challenges and Opportunities: What Does the Future Hold for Morocco and Tunisia?”
The application period closed in September for the capacity building workshop on “Socio-Economic Challenges and Opportunities: What Does the Future Hold for Morocco and Tunisia?” (Scenario Planning and Strategic Policy Analysis). The workshop was organized by the DGAP’s EU-Middle East Forum, in cooperation with the German Federal Foreign Office, the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa), the Robert Bosch Stiftung, the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, and the Rabat Social Studies Institute (RSSI).
For its recent workshop, EUMEF invited twenty young and mid-level experts and professionals from the MENA region and Europe, working in think tanks, research institutes, politics or civil society organizations, and whose work focuses on socio-economic developments in Morocco or Tunisia. Participants received an introduction to scenario planning and strategic policy analysis. In two working groups, they developed their own scenarios for possible socio-economic developments in Morocco and Tunisia. Presentations by renowned experts will complement the scenario planning sessions. The workshop was held in English.
Read the report here.
The appication period closed on September 4, 2016.