23 – Germany’s Wealth, Power – and its Limits: Economic Miracles, Imperialist Hangovers, and the "End of History"

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In the fourth episode of BerlinsideOut season two, Ben and Aaron sit down with Albrecht Ritschl, a renowned German economic historian, to trace the historical origins of Germany’s economic model – and how its current emphasis on geoeconomics and free riding on security has influenced German foreign policy towards Russia, Ukraine, and wider Europe. We also look at how Germany hasn’t completely shaken off its imperial mindset, and how its selective memory culture continues to influence how it views Russia and wider Europe. A spirited discussion of the neoliberal globalisation and (lack of) alternatives to it, ensues.


  • Albrecht Ritschl, Professor of Economic History, London School of Economics (@AlbrechtRitschl)


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