Towards a European Anticipatory Governance for AI

Joint Stakeholder Consultation on Regulatory Issues around Artificial Intelligence

17 - 18 September 2019
Event location
DGAP, Berlin, Germany
Invitation type
Invitation only


Hopes as well as concerns about the application of AI-related technologies have been fuelling public debate for quite some time. Major lines of that debate encompass the tension between optimist narratives about benefits for society versus warnings about risks for fundamental rights and security, lack of provisions for responsibility and accountability, as well as missing regulation despite the accelerating pace of R&D and the multiple ‘dual use’ applications of AI. As in most cases of emerging technologies, certainty and consensus about desirable goals are low, whereas, complexity of governance and the overall stakes around AI are high. However, since national initiatives of European states are not sufficient in a global setup, there is growing support for a European model of AI governance, reaching from ‘soft’, self-regulatory ones to ‘hard’, binding ones. This workshop, co-organized by the Interdisciplinary Research Group “Responsibility: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence” of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, and the Technology & International Politics Cluster at the German Council on Foreign Relations, will bring together leading experts from research and academia with policy makers from parliament and administration, representatives of standardisation authorities as well as the industry, including SMEs and Technology Organisations. The workshop aims at setting the framework conditions for anticipatory governance of AI by exploring which regulatory instrument, when, in which stakeholder constellation is fit for delivering beneficial AI for society, safeguarding fundamental rights, boosting responsible behaviour, and preventing malicious use.


Participation by invitation only.



Dr Georgios Kolliarakis
Advisor for Research Strategy, DGAP

Dr Isabella Hermann
Research Coordinator, Interdisciplinary Research Group “Responsibility: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence”at BBAW


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