Project Presidency

Perspectives for the EU-UK Relationship After 2020
09 September 2020
Event location


Project Presidency Header

The EU and UK have entered the final phase of negotiations that will determine their future relationship. While they aim to establish an ambitious and comprehensive new partnership in both political and economic terms, the ongoing talks between Brussels and London have, until now, proven to be difficult. Significant progress has yet to be made on key issues, particularly the level playing field and fisheries. Meanwhile, although future cooperation on foreign and security policy is mentioned in the political declaration agreed upon by both sides, talks about such cooperation have yet to take place. Regardless of whether the negotiations result in a thin trade deal or “no deal” at the end of this year, both sides will need to find new ways of working together in the long term.

Against this backdrop, this roundtable will bring together relevant decision-makers and policy experts from Brussels and Berlin to discuss the state of play of the negotiations and the perspectives for the EU-UK relationship after 2020.


Axel Dittmann

Director for EU Institutional Affairs, Brexit & EU Coordination

German Federal Foreign Office, Berlin

Paulina Dejmek-Hack

Director for Strategy & Overall Coordination, Task Force for the Relations with the UK

European Commission


Fabian Zuleeg

Chief Executive, European Policy Centre (EPC), Brussels

Roderick Parkes

Head of Program, Alfred von Oppenheim Center for European Policy Studies, DGAP


Sophie Pornschlegel

Project Lead “Connecting Europe”, EPC, Brussels


This event is part of the joint EPC-DGAP event series ‘Project Presidency’ looking at the role of Germany and the future of the EU in the framework of the German EU Council Presidency, and aimed at connecting the EU policy debate in Berlin and Brussels. To this end, we are delighted to welcome a DGAP and EPC audience to this event.


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