The Military Balance 2017:

Qualities and Quantities in Global Defence

02 March 2017
Event location
DGAP, Berlin, Germany
Invitation type
Invitation only


Presentation and discussion

How is global defense spending developing? Who spends the most, and who is cutting spending significantly? Where is the military modernization process in Russia heading? How long can the West still rely on its technological edge in military conflicts?

Every year, The Military Balance offers answers to such important questions. Published by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) for more than fifty years, it is the authoritative source on global trends in defense.

We invite you take a look into this year’s edition, examine and comment on the findings, and discuss the value of classic, fact-based research in an era of “fake news” and collaborative information outlets such as Wikipedia.


James Hackett
Editor, The Military Balance and Senior Fellow, Defence and Military Analysis, IISS

Nick Childs
Senior Fellow for Naval Forces and Maritime Security


Dr Bastian Giegerich
Director of Defence and Military Analysis, IISS

Rolf Clement (tbc)

Dr Christian Mölling
Deputy Director of the Research Institute, DGAP


Dr Hilmar Linnenkamp
Non-Resident Senior Fellow, SWP

The event will be held in English. 


Think Tank Event