DACH Tech Talks Go Global: Reviewing the Start-Up Scene

Lessons Learned from Estonia, Israel, and the USA
25 November 2022
Event location


Visual: Table with laptops

International hot spots for start-ups are characterized, among other things, by particularly favorable conditions for young companies. Moreover, as a market’s start-up scene grows, its attractiveness for new and other start-ups does too.

At this event, we will look at the well-known and respected hot spots in Estonia, Israel, and the United States. We will discuss the conditions that are crucial to their success and what the “DACH Region” (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) can learn from these countries in terms of regulation, financing, support, and attractiveness. We will also assess the relevance and importance of the DACH Region’s own start-up scene from an international perspective.


Hilla Ovil-Brenner, Co-Founder and CEO of Yazamiyot, General Mentor, Investor and Board Member

Mats Kuuskemaa, Country Director Germany, Austria, and Switzerland at e-Residency

Travis Todd, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Silicon Allee


Rainer Rudolph, Deputy Head of Mission at the German Embassy Vienna and Senior Fellow at DGAP

Please register here: events@dgap.org. You will find information related to data processing at https://dgap.org/en/zoom.

For any questions, please contact Yulia Loeva (events@dgap.org).