DACH Tech Talks go global: Resilience of the Start-Up scene in UKRAINE

10 March 2023
Event location


DACH Tech Talks Go Global: Resilience of the Start-Up scene in UKRAINE

Ukraine is under attack and currently facing exceptional challenges on all fronts. We want to look beyond the day-to-day news and highlight how tech startups have been impacted by the ongoing conflict. We will discuss how potential partnerships and international collaborations between developer teams have flourished even under these extremely adverse circumstances. To understand the resilience and continue to efficiently support the startup ecosystem in the Ukraine, we need to understand how it is affected in the face of these challenges in this uncertain time.

Short opening impulse:

Dr. Katja Muñoz, Research Fellow, Technologie und Außenpolitik, DGAP


Daniel Krauss, CIO & Founder, Flixbus

Anatoly Motkin, Founder and President, StrategEast Center for a New Economy

Liudmyla Petrenko, Professor of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Department – Kyiv National Economic University


Rainer Rudolph Deputy Head of Mission at German Embassy Vienna Senior Fellow at DGAP