Building and Sustaining Effective Think Tank Networks

Building and Sustaining Effective Think Tank Networks

06 December 2023
Event location


Think Tank Lab - Key Visual with Partner Logos (DGAP, MERICS, Stiftung Mercator and Robert Bosch Stiftung)

Many think tanks share similar agendas, but they do not often collaborate or exchange information on a regular basis. Yet joining forces to share and learn from one another pays off. By creating and supporting robust networks that provide access to additional expertise, perspectives, contacts, and languages, think tanks can strengthen their influence on policy across Europe. This Think Tank Lab lunch talk dives deeper into the value of networks. It will not only address the hurdles related to building networks, but also how to ensure those networks, once established, can continue to thrive, and remain impactful over time.

Together with the Flemish Peace Institute, the Think Tank Lab invites participants to share their experiences and challenges in creating strong think tank networks. The Flemish Peace Institute is a research institute connected to the Flemish Parliament. In 2023, it started the process of building a coalition of European peace research institutes to strengthen the European research community on peace and conflict.


Sibylle Bauer, Director of Studies, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

Nils Duquet, Director, Flemish Peace Institute

Anastasia Pociumban, Project Manager Think Tank Network on the Eastern Partnership, German Council on Foreign Relations 

Moderator: Weronika Perlinski, Acting Head Think Tank Lab, German Council on Foreign Relations

Please register for the event here by December 4, 2023. You can find information related to data processing at 

For any questions, please contact the Think Tank Lab team (

We look forward to welcoming you to this event! Meanwhile, please make sure to follow us on X or LinkedIn for news and fresh takes on think tanking.
