Policy Brief

Oct 11, 2018

Responsible Defense Policy

This Autumn, Germany Should Pave Its Way out of the 46 Billion Defense Investment Gap

By the close of the ongoing budget negotiations in November 2018, Germany will have to decide on the future of its armed forces’ long-term recovery. To close the 46 billion euro gap, the defense budget and financial planning would need to be increased by approximately four billion euros each year until 2024. While endorsing their firm commitments to NATO and the EU, parliament and government have so far failed to agree on a budget fit enough to deliver on those tasks they have assigned to the Bundeswehr.



Bibliographic data

Mölling, Christian, and Torben Schütz. “Responsible Defense Policy.” October 2018.

DGAPkompakt Nr. 23 (October 2018), 6 pp.

Themen & Regionen