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The presidency of Donald Trump showed that the transatlantic partnership can no longer be taken for granted. While the election of Joe Biden as his successor might improve this pivotal relationship in the short term, important conflicts of interest remain. Structural factors also point to a fundamental reorientation of US foreign policy that could affect Germany’s interests significantly. Therefore, German and European decision-makers must prepare for various scenarios and develop strategies to successfully face the impending uncertainties.

To address these developments proactively and fulfill its dual role as a political and public consultancy even better, DGAP has established a new USA Strategy Group. This group is a key element of the research project “How Can Germany Better Deal with US Foreign Policy and Its Consequences Moving Forward? Changes, Scenarios, and Strategies for German Decision-Makers,” a new, multi-year endeavor funded by the Friede Springer Foundation. It will help sensitize political and economic decision-makers to possible future developments in US foreign policy and adjust to new strategic trends at an early stage.

The USA Strategy Group consists of an exclusive circle of around 20 experts from politics, civil society, and business. It meets three to four times a year to discuss global, economic, and domestic political factors that influence US foreign policy and transatlantic relations in the medium and long term. Its most important findings will be summarized in DGAP Policy Briefs that will contain concise conclusions and calls for action. In this way, the private discussions of the USA Strategy Group can also be made available to the broader public.



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