
Through its work, DGAP offers interdisciplinary expertise on the constantly changing facets of policy in national and international security, defense, and armaments.


Recent publications

NATO at 75: Time to Deliver on Its Promises

What Has to Happen at the Washington Summit

NATO heads of state and government will meet in Washington on July 11, 2024 to mark the Alliance’s 75th anniversary. Not only will the leaders have to elect a new secretary-general, the anniversary will take place in the midst of an explosive global situation. As the war in Ukraine continues, the prospect of a second presidential term for ­Donald Trump also worries the Alliance. In order to strengthen NATO’s ability to defend its members in this time of multiple crises, leaders need to advance seven specific topics. Making headway on these could make the summit historic.

Dr. Karl-Heinz Kamp

Zentralasien nach dem Abzug der ISAF

Die zentralasiatischen Regime spielen Terrorgefahr und Drogenschmuggel gegen innere Reformen aus

Ralf-Peter Masser
Externe Publikationen

Zwischen den Stühlen

Die Länder des Südkaukasus – Armenien, Aserbaidschan und Georgien – sind zwischen Moskau und Brüssel gefangen

Elkhan Nuriyev
Policy Brief

South Caucasus Caught in the Middle

How geopolitical competition between Moscow and Brussels prolongs instability in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia

Elkhan Nuriyev
Policy Brief

Further Topics & Regions