The passing of Henrik Enderlein has been a blow to the European think tank community. DGAP remembers him and will continue to uphold his legacy.
DGAP was profoundly saddened to learn of the passing of Henrik Enderlein. He had worked closely with several of our fellows over the years and was as a valued speaker at DGAP events. His creative thinking and commitment to both Franco-German dialogue and European unity has been an inspiration for our profession. His career at the intersection of academia, public policy, and politics – as well as his broad expertise spanning monetary affairs, European integration, and economics – made him a key contributor to a number of European circles. Enderlein’s entrepreneurial spirit, which he fulfilled with the creation of the Jacques Delors Institute in Berlin, helped revive and diversify economic thinking in Germany. His tenure at the helm of the Hertie School made a lasting impact on the countless students whom he nurtured, encouraged, and taught. German politics will also miss his ability to discretely advise across the political spectrum and serve as bridge-builder among political leaders across Europe. We mourn with his wife and four children and will proudly continue to uphold his legacy.