Socio-Economic Challenges in Morocco (Workshop II)

Employment, Education, and Migration – Perspectives from the Region and Europe

03 - 05 May 2018
Event location
Rabat, , Morocco
Invitation type
Invitation only


The workshop participants presented their policy papers which they had written in the months between the two workshops, and discussed them with relevant Moroccan and European decision-makers. In addition, three political advocates and civil society representatives who have led successful initiatives in the field of education and migration in Morocco attended the workshop to share their experiences with the participants and help them to advance their advocacy skills.

The following speakers and discussants attended the workshop (in alphabetical order):

  • Omar Balafrej, Parliamentarian
  • Fouad Chafiqi, Ministry of Education
  • Rida El Filali Hamoz, Department of Professional Training, Ministry of Education
  • Mohammed Hazim, Director of Labor at the Ministry of Labor and Occupational Integration
  • Raja Kessab, Parliamentarian
  • Driss Maghraoui, Professor, Al-Akhawayn University and Member of RSSI
  • Nizar Messari, Vice President of the Al-Akhawayn University, Ifrane
  • Leila Ouchani, Director of Migration, Ministry in Charge of MREAM
  • Markus Woelke, Chargé d'Affaires, German Embassy Rabat

The workshop is part of the MENA Program’s project on the promotion of think tank work in the Middle East and North Africa, which aims to strengthen the scientific and technical capacities of civil society actors in the region and the EU who are engaged in research and policy analysis and advice.

The workshop was funded by the German Federal Foreign Office as well as the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa), and was organized in close cooperation the Rabat Social Studies Institute (RSSI), and the Heinrich Böll Stiftung in Rabat.