US Policy and COVID-19: The 9/11 Era is Over

with Ben Rhodes, Former Deputy National Security Adviser to US President Barack Obama & Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger, FAZ
14 May 2020
Event location


The coronavirus pandemic presents enormous challenges for all nations, but it has hit the United States particularly hard. While the US is currently occupied with addressing the crises brought about by COVID-19, other major issues – including the threat of terrorism – do not seem as pressing. In fact, over the last several years the focus of US foreign and domestic policy has already drifted away from the key topics of the recent past. In this Web Talk, we will examine the effect of the pandemic on US policy and how it signals a shift that can be seen as the end of the 9/11 era.


Ben Rhodes, Former Deputy National Security Adviser to US President Barack Obama

Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger, Foreign Affairs Editor of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ)

Welcome: Christoph Kehr-von Plettenberg German Council on Foreign Relations Forum Frankfurt

All participants will be able to ask the speakers questions before and during the conversation through the Web Talk’s Q&A function.