Ukraine Between Western War Fatigue and Russia’s Presidential Election

08 May 2024
Event location


Visual Young DGAP Event Ukraine 08.05.2024

The German Council on Foreign Relations’ Young DGAP Berlin, in cooperation with Global Bridges e.V., cordially invites you to an event to kick-off their partnership.

Vladimir Putin has used his record victory in last month’s presidential election as proof of overwhelming public support in Russia for the war against Ukraine. Signs of dissent have long been muzzled, not least since Russia’s opposition lost one of its few remaining and uncompromising voices with the death of Alexei Navalny shortly before that election. Many observers now expect Putin to toughen his course, for example by ramping up the Kremlin’s war rhetoric and mobilizing further reservists to swell the military’s ranks.

Volodymyr Zelensky pleaded for more Western military support at this year’s Munich Security Conference. Finally, a military aid package for Ukraine that had been stymied in the US Congress for months has moved forward. Yet mounting causalities, drained troops, depleted artillery supplies, and political infighting have led to growing fatigue among Ukraine’s allies.

At this event, we will assess how Putin’s reelection will affect the war against Ukraine, whether the West is leaving Ukraine in the lurch, and if an attack on a NATO member has become more likely. We will also debate how a victory by Donald Trump in US presidential elections this November could impact foreign policy and the battleground – as well as how Europe can best prepare for and respond to these developments.

In addition to what will certainly be an insightful discussion on Ukraine, the event will provide plenty of opportunities for networking between members of Global Bridges and the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP).

Welcoming remarks: Joseph Verbovszky, Head of AG Security, Young DGAP


Sabine Adler, Author and Journalist; Expert on Eastern Europe for Deutschlandradio

Nico Lange, Senior Fellow, Munich Security Conference (MSC)

Moderator: Stefan Meister, Head of the Center for Order and Governance in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia, DGAP

The event will be held in English. If you would like to take part, please register here:


Young DGAP Event