The Middle East: Is the Worst Behind or Ahead?

David Harris, executive director of the American Jewish Committee, addresses the Council

03 - 02 December 2014
Event location
DGAP, Berlin, Germany
Invitation type
Members only


David Harris of the American Jewish Committee was in Berlin on December 2 to discuss with members of the German Council on Foreign Relations the challenges and opportunities the transatlantic community will face in the near future in the Middle East. ISIS continues to beseige Syria and Northern Iraq, capturing territory, terrorizing the local populations, and sending a terrifying message to the global community by through the release of chilling videos. Its ruthless expansion of power is fueled by reinforcements in the form of financial support and fighters. These are emigrating from all over the world to pledge their allegiance to the extremist cause. Meanwhile, Israel’s “Operation Protective Edge” carried out in summer 2014 to stem Palestinian missile attacks has failed to prevent continuing violence at home, most recently manifested in “run over” and stabbing attacks against Israelis in Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Tel Aviv, where nine Israelis have been killed in the past weeks. 

The discussion was moderated by Dr. Harald Kindermann, Secretary General of the DGAP, and took place under the Chatham House Rule.


Council Event