Geopolitical Competition - African Strategies - European Responses: The Case of Nigeria

26 October 2020
Event location


The EU has paved the way for a more ambitious strategy with Africa. The goal is to intensify cooperation through partnerships in key areas. Increasingly, however, other actors such as China, the US or Russia compete with the EU over market access and influence in Africa – each with different interests and agendas. This geopolitical rivalry creates both opportunities and problems for African countries. Nigeria may serve as an example: The largest economy in Africa and a regional leader, the country needs to reconcile the interests of different actors.

Together, we want to discuss how Nigeria and other African countries deal with the increasing competition among the different actors and whether the EU needs to reassess and adapt its Africa strategy in light of the changing environment.

Chair:  Christoph Matschie, MP


Amaka Anku Practice Head Africa, Eurasia Group

Giovanni Faleg, Senior Analyst, Sub-Saharan Africa, EU Institute for Security Studies (EU ISS)

Daniel Redondo Oshur
, Geographic Coordinator for Nigeria, DG DEVCO, European Commission

Andrew E. Yaw Tchie, Senior Research Fellow for African Security and Obasanjo Fellow, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)

The event will be held in English.