The EU’s Climate Goals and Its Role in Climate Diplomacy

14 June 2021
Event location


The Council of the EU and the European Parliament have agreed to make certain climate targets binding for member states – among them, climate neutrality by 2050 and the reduction of greenhouse gases to 55 percent of their 1990 levels by 2030. The move is a crucial element in the European Commission’s Green Deal package. And, because the preliminary agreement was reached shortly before the Earth Day summit convened by US President Joe Biden, it also means to give the EU heft in climate diplomacy. But is the EU’s climate policy credible, practicable, and scalable? How are the EU’s goals perceived by its key partners? At this pivotal time, how will the position of the EU and other large global powers toward the 2°C target play out over the next year?

In this meeting, we will assess Europe’s position in the COP 26 in Glasgow and G7 negotiations, and explore the steps Germany could take to ensure that European climate policy is a success.


Ambassador Marc Vanheukelen

EU Ambassador for Climate Diplomacy

Dr. Kira Vinke

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)

Michael Bloss, MEP

Member of ITRE and substitue of ENVI,

Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance


Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, MP

Deputy Chairman of the FDP Parliamentary Group

The discussion will be held in English.


For any questions, please contact Yulia Loeva (