Europe in Times of War: Perspectives for NATO and EU Security Policy

28 September 2022
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The Regionalforum Brüssel of the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)

The world is in a phase of geopolitical redefinition. Within the European Union there is a sense of urgency about how to develop a foreign policy that is genuinely European. This dynamic is especially evident in the EU’s Strategic Compass, a set of guidelines on how to improve European defense. NATO is also undergoing a process of reflection about its basic orientation as demonstrated by its so-called Strategic Concept, which was presented at its June summit in Madrid, and its most recent joint statement with the EU. At this event, we will discuss various timely issues related to security and defense. These include how cooperation between the EU and NATO could be made more effective, the long-term geopolitical consequences of Russia’s war on Ukraine, and how the EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy should evolve.


Ambassador Rüdiger König, Permanent Representative of Germany to NATO

Bernadetta Berti, Head of Policy Planning, Office of the Secretary General at NATO


Elena Lazarou, Head of the External Policies Unit of the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS)

The event will be held in English and followed by a small reception. Please register here: by September 26.

Regional Forum Brüssel