The Conflict in Donbas: Challenges and Opportunities for Conflict Settlement in 2021

09 December 2020
Event location


The year 2020 brought promising new developments in the Donbas conflict, including prisoner exchanges and an unprecedented ceasefire that started in July. Although there continues to be good will to work toward finding a lasting solution, key hurdles remain. One year after the 2019 Paris Summit in the Normandy Four format, the prospects for a conflict settlement are still not clear. We invite you to a discussion on the upcoming challenges and opportunities for a political resolution and the reconstruction of Donbas in 2021.


Jean-Pierre Froehly, Special Envoy for Ukraine and Head of the Ukraine Task Force at the German Foreign Office

Nataliya Gumenyuk, Ukrainian journalist and commentator specializing in foreign affairs; co-founder of Hromadske.UA


Prof. Wolfgang Schuster, Baden-Württemberg Forum of the German Council on Foreign Relations


Karoline Gil, Baden-Württemberg Forum of the German Council on Foreign Relations