Cover Section

A Sovereign Europe ... and Russia

The EU member states have failed to create a common approach in their dealings with Putin’s Russia. There are a number of steps that they can and should take to forge a united front.

Dr. Stefan Meister
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Time for Hard Choices on Defense

EU strategic sovereignty in defense remains a distant goal. Member states are desperately clinging to their national sovereignty—but that’s the wrong approach.

Sophia Becker
Torben Schütz
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In Search of the Next Partner

French President Emmanuel Macron has banked on Franco-German cooperation, an approach that finally proved successful in 2020. With Angela Merkel leaving the scene, he needs to build bridges to her potential successors, and quickly.

Dr. Claire Demesmay
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Europe’s Geopolitical Moment

There is a growing consensus that the EU has to become a geopolitical actor. To achieve this goal, numerous constraints will need to be overcome. Priorities include defining its position vis-à-vis the incoming Biden administration—and China.

Prof. Dr. Daniela Schwarzer
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The EU in Action III: Russia

With chances for European-Russian cooperation slim, containment must remain the focus of the EU’s policy vis-à-vis Moscow.  

Sarah Pagung
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All at Sea

Trade relations would inevitably worsen further should Donald Trump win a second term. But even if Joe Biden wins, a transatlantic economic re-set cannot be taken for granted.

Dr. Stormy-Annika Mildner
Dr. Claudia Schmucker
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