Areas of Expertise

  • Civilian crisis management
  • EU Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP)
  • Peacekeeping operations


German, English, French

Carina Böttcher has been working as a research fellow in DGAP’s Security and Defense Program since June 2018. She works on the project “Civilian CSDP Compact.” 

Previously, Böttcher worked at the Center for International Peace Operations in Berlin and for the German Federal Foreign Office with assignments in Tehran and Bangkok. Other work experience includes shorter assignments at the Federal Criminal Office and the UN Operations and Crisis Centre in New York. She completed her master’s degree in international relations at the Technical University of Dresden.


The Compact Roadmap

Towards a New Level of Professionalization in Civilian CSDP
Carina Böttcher
Policy Brief

EU Civilian Crisis Management

How the Union Can Live up to Its Ambitions – or Stumble into Irrelevance

Dr. Hannah Neumann
Carina Böttcher
Dr. Christian Mölling
et al.
Policy Brief

Ziviles Krisenmanagement der EU

Den Ambitionen müssen Taten folgen

Dr. Hannah Neumann
Carina Böttcher
Dr. Christian Mölling
et al.
Policy Brief