Middle East and North Africa Program

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Since the uprisings of 2011, the Middle East and North Africa have been in upheaval. With few exceptions, developments have been alarming. A wave of violence – which, even for this strife-prone region, has been unprecedented – as well as intra-societal, interstate, and regional conflicts continue to destabilize the region with direct consequences for Europe. Keeping apace with the dynamics of events there requires continual analysis and debate. This is the only way to further develop impactful local, German, and European policies for dealing with these challenges.

This is where the DGAP’s Middle East and North Africa Program comes in. Its workshops, background discussions, and publications aim to break down complexities, generate knowledge, develop solutions, and create understanding for the interests and needs of countries both in the region and abroad. This approach results in recommendations for meaningful courses of action for key players in Germany and Europe, as well as those in the Middle East and North Africa. To achieve its goals, the program works closely with experts and opinion leaders from all countries concerned. The program’s alumni network is comprised of some 500 experts from the region.

Since 2017, the program has supported think tanks and similar institutions in Morocco, Tunisia, and Jordan to help them professionalize their work and build their capacity for providing policy analysis and advice.

From 2011 to 2016, the program’s work focused on topics related to Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and Turkey. It examined both domestic political developments and regional dynamics that affected these countries, as well the quality and impact of European and international policy concerning them.

From 2014 to 2019, the program had a research project on the involvement of the Gulf States in Egypt and Tunisia and the political and economic implications of this support.



In the media


Past events

09:00 | 20 - 23 Nov 2016

Socioeconomic Challenges and Opportunities: What Does the Future Hold for Morocco and Tunisia?

Workshop, November 20-23, 2016, Rabat

This November the DGAP’s EU-Middle East Forum invited 18 North African and European mid-level professionals from the fields of academia, civil society, economics, politics, and media to analyze potential socioeconomic developments in Morocco and Tunisia by using the methodology of strategic foresight.

Think Tank Event
09:00 | 20 - 23 Nov 2016

Workshop: What Does the Future Hold for Morocco and Tunisia?

Socioeconomic Challenges and Opportunities

Das EU-Middle East Forum der DGAP lud 18 Teilnehmer aus Forschung, Zivilgesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik und Medien ein, mögliche sozioökonomische Entwicklungen in Marokko und Tunesien zu analysieren. Die Teilnehmer aus Nordafrika und der EU lernten in einem Szenarienworkshop, mit Methoden der strategischen Vorausschau zu arbeiten.

Think Tank Veranstaltung
09:00 | 15 - 18 Aug 2016

Turkey and Egypt in 2025: Foreseeing Challenges and Opportunities

Capacity Building Workshop des EU-Middle East Forum (EUMEF)

Das EU-Middle East Forum (EUMEF) des Programms Naher Osten und Nordafrika der DGAP veranstaltet in Zusammenarbeit mit der Robert Bosch Stiftung, dem Swedish Institute Alexandria und dem Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) vom 15. bis 18. August 2016 einen Capacity Building Workshop zum Thema „“ (Scenario Planning and Strategic Policy Analysis).

Think Tank Veranstaltung
09:00 | 04 - 05 Jun 2016

The Middle East: World Crisis?

A conference co-organized by the DGAP and the New York Review of Books Foundation

An intensive two-day conference at the DGAP in Berlin sought to contribute toward an understanding of the region’s multiple crises, with panels on: Iran; the rise of ISIS; Turkey, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia; Immigration, Asylum, and Human Rights in Europe; the Israel-Palestine Conflict; and "Outside Powers."

Council Event
18:30 - 20:00 | 13 Apr 2016

Die Türkei – Ein weiterer Krisenherd vor den Toren Europas?

Europas Helfer in der Flüchtlingskrise steckt selbst in der Krise. Während Terroranschläge das Land erschüttern und die Zuspitzung des türkisch-kurdischen Konflikts an die bürgerkriegsähnlichen Zustände der 90er Jahre erinnert, driftet die türkische Gesellschaft weiter auseinander. Ist eine Befriedung der Situation noch möglich? Wohin entwickelt sich die Türkei? Und wie sollte Europa mit einem so wichtigen Partnerstaat umgehen?

Think Tank Veranstaltung
18:30 - 20:00 | 09 Mar 2016

In Iran fehlt eine Sicherheitsarchitektur

Auch nach den Wahlen keine überhöhten Erwartungen

Nach Jahren der Isolation bewegt sich Iran auf den Westen zu und hat einer weitgehenden Kontrolle seines Atomprogramms zugestimmt. Während die EU und USA dies als Erfolg feiern, glaubt Israel an ein Täuschungsmanöver und sieht sich weiterhin in seiner Existenz bedroht. Wie führt Iran seine neue Rolle in der internationalen Politik aus? Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Christiane Hoffmann, Wolfgang Ischinger und Omid Nouripour im Gespräch.

Veranstaltung der Gesellschaft

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