InFoEx: Research on the Tertiary Prevention of Islamist Extremism

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Between 2018 and 2021, DGAP analyzed good practices, challenges, and scientific findings on the tertiary prevention of (violent) Islamist extremism from Germany and abroad. To this end, DGAP – in cooperation with the Research Center for Migration, Integration, and Asylum of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) – founded the International Forum for Expert Exchange on Countering Islamist Extremism (InFoEx). This project was funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building, and Community (BMI) within the framework of the National Prevention Program against Islamist Extremism (NPP).

In international workshops, practitioners and participants from academia and government agencies discussed good practices and challenges in various focus areas. Providing a platform for the national and international exchange of knowledge, these workshops aimed to collect (empirical) data on (de)radicalization processes. Particular attention was paid to its practical applicability for prevention work. The core of InFoEx is formed by local advice centers together with research fellows from FoPraTEx, a German acronym that stands for the “Research-Practice-Transfer in Islamist Extremism.” Initiated by the BAMF Research Center, FoPraTEx is a network of academics who are employed by or through the local partners of BAMF’s Advise Centre on Radicalisation and by various research institutions, including DGAP.

InFoEx has addressed the following topics in various contexts:

  • Psychological factors and mental health
  • Evaluation and monitoring
  • Reintegration of returnees from Syria and Iraq
  • Risk assessment and management
  • Prevention of recidivism
  • Multi-agency cooperation
  • Dealing with women and minors
  • Communication

The results of the workshops on these topics were documented and assessed in issue papers and other texts. They are available to download in German and English under “Publications.”

In addition, InFoEx regularly sent out a newsletter in which we highlighted relevant international literature in the field of tertiary prevention. We evaluated it in terms of criteria for good scientific practice (e.g., use of a hypothesis, independence of thought, definition of terms) and provided a summary in German. The overview of all articles can be found here (in German).

We also held several panel discussions to address the workshop topics that were particularly relevant for stimulating public debate among an audience of international experts. The video recordings of these discussions can be found under “Events.”

Finally, the (external) researchers and practitioners who have contributed to InFoEx have been brought together in an expert pool. Please do not hesitate to contact us at for our recommendation of an expert.

InFoEx Insights

Click on the playlist button in the upper right corner to access all videos of the InFoEx conference and previous events.




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