DGAP’s Center for Climate and Foreign Policy assesses the societal and geoeconomic impacts of climate change. The interdisciplinary team builds on scientific findings to develop policy recommendations for a coherent German foreign policy at the interface of climate security and human security.
Main Topics:
- Relevance of climate change for German security policy
- Coherence in response to the climate crisis given the interrelationship between the domestic and foreign policy dimensions of climate policy
- Consequences of climate migration and displacement worldwide
- Geoeconomic dimensions of the climate crisis: German climate and energy policy and international climate diplomacy
- Role of civilian crisis prevention in hindering the escalation of resource conflicts
- International legal dimensions of the climate crisis
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Zeitenwende braucht Energiewende
Unsere Sicherheit ist nicht nur von der Abhängigkeit von fossilen Energieträgern bedroht, sondern auch vom Umwelt- und Klimakollaps: ein Zwischenruf.
Sea Change for Europe’s Security Order
Three Future Scenarios
Sustaining peace and sustained headwinds
The UN’s climate, peace and security agenda in a difficult environment
The German Federal Constitutional Court’s Revolutionary Climate Ruling
National Law as a Tool for Driving Global Solutions
Gesetze für den globalen Klimaschutz
Warum eine wirksame Klimaaußenpolitik das Recht braucht.
Frieden sichern, Klima retten
Die globale Sicherheitsordnung braucht erneuerbare Energien