Middle East & North Africa


Recent publications

Building Energy Institutions in a Conflict Zone

Interventions by International Organisations in Afghanistan

How do international development organisations develop institutional capacity in conflict zones? Here we take a descriptive, topological perspective on the question, using the case of Afghanistan. For twenty years prior to the capture of Afghanistan by the Taliban in August 2021 the international community directed substantial resources to Afghanistan, seeking to build a democratic state. Here we examine selected, energy-related aspects of those institution-building processes, taking the country as a case study of institutional development for energy and other transitions that is explicitly driven by particular values. We find that this institutional development can be categorized in terms of three main themes: development of a regulatory framework for the energy sector; privatisation of energy systems; and women's empowerment in terms of knowledge, skills and engagement in energy sector provisioning. 

Dr. Abdullah Fahimi
External Publications

Tunisia’s Rocky Road to Stability

Security Sector Reform, (De-) Radicalization and Socio-Economic Development – Policy Briefs from the Region and Europe
Dina Fakoussa-Behrens
Laura Lale Kabis-Kechrid

Tunisia’s Fragile Democracy

Decentralization, Institution-Building and the Development of Marginalized Regions – Policy Briefs from the Region and Europe
Dina Fakoussa-Behrens
Laura Lale Kabis-Kechrid

In the media


Past events

08:00 - 16:00 | 10 Dec 2015


Over a Decade of US-German Collaboration and Challenge

On December 10, 2015, AICGS hosted a day-long conference of over 100 attendees together with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Washington, the United States Institute of Peace, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V., and Deutsche Atlantische Gesellschaft e.V.

Think Tank Veranstaltung
08:00 - 16:00 | 10 Dec 2015


Over a Decade of US-German Collaboration and Challenge

On December 10, 2015, AICGS hosted a day-long conference of over 100 attendees together with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Washington, the United States Institute of Peace, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V., and Deutsche Atlantische Gesellschaft e.V.

Think Tank Event
09:00 | 13 - 15 Nov 2015

November 2014 EUMEF Alumni Conference

The MENA Region in Turmoil: Causes and Ways out of the Crises

From November 13 to 15, 2014 the DGAP's EUMEF program invited some 120 alumni of its New Faces conferences and summer schools to a reunion and networking event. The debate focused on current political, social, and economic developments in the MENA region as well as the influence and policies of external actors. The Alumni conference was organized with the Robert Bosch Stiftung, the German Federal Foreign Office, and the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa).

09:00 | 01 - 03 Oct 2015

Deconstructing Islamist Terrorism in Egypt

Policy Workshop, October 1–3, 2015, Berlin

Why has terrorism reemerged in Egypt? What are the aims of the most active militant groups? What is the nature of link to so-called Islamic State and Al Qaeda? How do Egyptian groups they finance their activities and how effective is the Egyptian state in countering this threat? Finally, how can the international community best support Egypt’s fight against terrorism? A 3-day policy workshop at the DGAP’s EU-Middle East Forum of the MENA program delved deeply into these questions.

Program Event
11:00 - 13:00 | 29 Sep 2015

Die EU und das Nuklearabkommen mit dem Iran

Diskussion mit Susanne Riegraf, Rouzbeh Parsi und Cornelius Adebahr

Nach 12 Jahren zäher Verhandlungen eröffnet das nun geschlossene Atomabkommen ein neues Kapitel in den Beziehungen zwischen Iran und dem Westen. Die EU hat zu der Einigung einen entscheidenden Teil beigetragen, waren sich die Panelisten der DGAP-Veranstaltungsreihe Brussels Briefing einig. Susanne Riegraf, Rouzbeh Parsi, und Cornelius Adebahr diskutierten über die Chancen des Abkommens, über Herausforderungen auf dem Weg zu seiner vollständigen Umsetzung und über die Rolle der EU in diesem Prozess.

Veranstaltung Forschungsprogramm
09:00 - 18:00 | 26 May 2015

Engagement of Arab Gulf States in Egypt and Tunisia: Rationale and Implications

Expert Conference

Since the upheavals in the MENA region in 2011, the wealthier Gulf states have undertaken significant efforts to influence regional politics in their interest through economic and political means. What interests are the Gulf states pursuing in Egypt and Tunisia? What shapes their foreign policy? By what means and in which sectors are they engaging in Egypt and Tunisia? What are the future prospects?

Program Event

Further Topics & Regions