4th JEF-DGAP International Symposium

A Brave New Economic World Order
07 - 08 Oktober 2020
Nur für geladene Gäste


4th JEF-DGAP International Symposium - A Brave New Economic World Order

This exclusive International Symposium will bring experts from Germany and Japan together to discuss two main issues: how to restore global growth in trade in a world shaped by the coronavirus pandemic and how the potential of digitalization can be used to sustain global connectedness. In three panel discussions, the conference will address the following questions: How can the EU and Japan work together to rescue and reform the WTO system? Will the creation of an EU-Japanese Secure Digital Space ameliorate the security risks posed by Huawei and the technological dominance of the “big five” US technology firms? Will the “Partnership on Sustainable Connectivity and Quality Infrastructure between the EU and Japan” help both partners to become geopolitical actors and how does this approach relate to China’s Belt and Road Initiative?

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

9:00–9:15 AM (CET) Official Welcome

  • H. E. Rolf Nikel, Vice President, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)
  • Mr. Kazumasa Kusaka, Chairman and CEO, Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)

9:15–10:15 AM Panel 1: Restoring Growth in Global Trade and Investment after the Coronavirus Pandemic


  • Mr. Hideo Suzuki, Managing Executive Officer, Nippon Steel Corporation
  • Dr. Claudia Schmucker, Head of the Globalization and World Economy Program, DGAP
  • Mr. Klemens Kober, Head of Trade, Transatlantic Relations, and EU-Customs, German Chamber of Industry and Commerce Brussels (DIHK)

Moderator: Mr. Naoyuki Haraoka, Executive Managing Director, JEF

Thursday, October 8, 2020

8:15–8:30 AM (CET) Welcome to the Second Day

8:30–9:30 AM Panel 2: New Rules for New Technologies: Industry 4.0 and Beyond


  • Mr. Norihiko Ishiguro, Senior Executive Vice President and Member of the Board, NEC Corporation
  • Mr. Tatsuya Terazawa, Senior Advisor to the Cabinet Secretariat, Special Advisor to the Minister, Former Vice-Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Government of Japan
  • Ms. Tanja Böhm, Head of Berlin Office, Director Corporate Affairs Management, Microsoft (tbc)
  • Mr. Kaan Sahin, Research Fellow, Technology and Foreign Policy, DGAP

Moderator: Mr. Martin Bialecki, Editor-in-chief, Internationale Politik, DGAP

9:30–10:00 AM Break 

10:00–11:00 AM Panel 3: The Role of Japanese and European Connectivity


  • Dr. Yuichi Hosaya, Professor of International Politics, Faculty of Law, Keio University
  • Mr. Tatsuya Terazawa, Senior Advisor to the Cabinet Secretariat, Special Advisor to the Minister, Former Vice-Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Government of Japan
  • Mr. Yoshiyuki Ogura, Senior Executive Advisor, Hitachi Europe, Ltd.
  • Ms. Romana Vlahutin, EU Ambassador at Large for Connectivity, EEAS Special Coordinator for Connectivity Strategy
  • Mr. Alexander Schönfelder, Representative for Technology, Trade, Finance- and Sanctions Policies, Federal Foreign Office
  • Dr. Jacopo Maria Pepe, Research Associate, Global Issues Division, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)

Moderator: Dr. Henning Hoff, Executive Editor, Berlin Policy Journal, DGAP

11:00–11:15 AM Official Closing

  • H. E. Rolf Nikel
  • Mr. Kazumasa Kusaka

If you would like to attend the session, please fill out this form. Only registered participants will receive the dial-in details (Zoom) via e-mail ahead of the event. We kindly ask you to enable your camera and microphone during the discussion.

For any questions, please contact Yulia Loeva at loeva@dgap.org.

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