DGAPforum NRW/Düsseldorf: Xi Jinping’s Leadership after the 19th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party

22 November 2017
Ort der Veranstaltung
Industrie-Club Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Deutschland
Nur für geladene Gäste


Discussion of the DGAPforum NRW/Düsseldorf, in cooperation with the Japanese Consulate General in Düsseldorf.

Over the course of the last five years, Xi Jinping has been at the top of the Chinese Communist Party. Having previously echoed a phrase from Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book – “East, West, South, North, and Center, the Party leads everything” –, Xi’s primary policy has been to strengthen his own position and Party control, countering modernization attempts for instance with regard to the rule of law and transparent governance.

The Party’s 19th National Congress in October has now ushered in a new stage in Xi’s leadership. Professor Akio Takahara will look at China’s possible trajectories under Xi’s continued leadership, with a special focus on the country’s domestic political stability and its foreign policy.


Ryuta Mizuuchi
Consul General of Japan in Düsseldorf


Professor Akio Takahara
Professor of Contemporary Chinese Politics, Graduate School of Law and Politics, The University of Tokyo

Lenka Heimöller, Chairwoman of the DGAPforum NRW/Düsseldorf, will give a brief welcome address. The discussion will be held in English. 


DGAP Regionalforum NRW